MSIG Malaysia

Disclosure Report

(*) Required information

Strictly private & confidential

Important Note:

Reports are completely confidential and you are not required to reveal your identity unless you choose to do so. You should provide as much information as possible to facilitate any subsequent action or investigation.

Personal details and information provided to MSIG Malaysia may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities, as required to meet applicable laws, rules and regulations.


Please include as much information as possible in your report.

WHISTLEBLOWER’S DETAILS (This section may be left blank if you wish to remain anonymous)



Briefly describe the misconduct/improper activity and how you know about it. Specify what, who, when, where and how.

500 characters remaining

7. Do you have any other details, evidence or supporting information which would assist us in the investigation?

Attachments (optional)

Please add any attachments that you believe would help in the investigation. You may attach any files up to 25MB.

File formats that system accept : avi, jpg, jpeg, mp4, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, tif, tiff, txt.

plus icon

Drag your files here, or click to

8. Would you like to be notified of the investigation outcome?